
Planning Consultation

One of our key strategies to encourage safe cycling in Bicester is to work closely with our local Planning and Highways Authorities. We do this by formally responding to Consultations and Planning Applications, as well as attending planning meetings and stakeholder engagement events throughout the year. Below are a list of both active and historical applications that we have been involved with. If you feel we've missed something then please contact us and let us know.

EWR London Road Crossing
7th June 2021

EWR London Road Crossing

Bicester BUG supports the pragmatic (in terms of costs and construction impact) solution of a walking and cycling underpass which would boost active travel in Bicester, reduce local air pollution and enable improvements to the rail station area (boosting access and improving public transport links) and wider town centre. We would not support a pedestrian and cycle bridge.

Closed Consultations

Graven Hill Care Home
12th September 2024

24/02058/F Graven Hill Care Home

Full application for the proposed erection of a two storey building to form a 66 no. bedroom care home for older people with parking, access, landscaping and associated ground works.

Himley Village - Phase 2A reserved matters
6th August 2024

23/01586/REM Himley Village - Phase 2A reserved matters

Reserved Matters Application pursuant to Outline planning permission 14/02121/OUT for the erection of 123 dwellings (including 37 affordable dwellings), parking, landscaping and other associated infrastructure including the part compliance of conditions 12 (Building for Life 12), 13 (future climate risks statement), 14 (noise assessment), 16 (means of vehicular access), 17 (means of pedestrian/cycle links), 18 (Travel Plan) and 19 (detailed surface water drainage scheme) at Phase 2A

Lakeview Drive - Land North Of Bicester Avenue Garden Centre Oxford Road Bicester
14th July 2024

23/02715/REM Lakeview Drive - Land North Of Bicester Avenue Garden Centre Oxford Road Bicester

Reserved matters approval for 23/01080/OUT - Details of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale relating to the proposed development of a Class E(g)(i) (formerly B1(a)) office/commercial building and associated development, plus associated car parking.

Bicester Sheep Street consultation - Experimental Traffic Regulation Order for allowing cycling
14th July 2024

Bicester Sheep Street consultation - Experimental Traffic Regulation Order for allowing cycling

Oxfordshire County Council have opened a consultation to understand public opinion on allowing cycling on Sheep Street on an experimental basis for 18 months. Bicester BUG fully supports this proposal and asks that our members and followers join us in offering support to this very important experiment.

Tritax Symmetry (Baynards Green)
24th October 2023

22/01340/OUT Tritax Symmetry (Baynards Green)

Application for outline planning permission (all matters reserved except means of access (not internal roads) from B4100) for the erection of buildings comprising logistics (use class B8) and ancillary offices (use class e(g)(i)) floorspace; energy centre, hgv parking, construction of new site access from the B4100; creation of internal roads and access routes; hard and soft landscaping; the construction of parking and servicing areas; substations and other associated infrastructure.

 DriveThru Greggs
2nd August 2021

21/02286/F DriveThru Greggs

BicesterBUG objects to the proposal in its current form. The provision for active travel is insufficient and only token effort has been given to enabling customers to access and use the site without a vehicle.

NW Bicester Housing (EcoTown)
21st June 2021

21/01630/OUT NW Bicester Housing (EcoTown)

Graven Hill Surgery
26th May 2021

21/01454/F Graven Hill Surgery

Banbury Road Roundabout
2nd April 2021

Banbury Road Roundabout

Bicester Bike Users’ Group (‘Bicester BUG’) supports the Option 3 ‘CYCLOPS’ roundabout design proposal, though improvements could also be made to that design. BBUG has real concerns about the other options, particularly given that the performance of the large roundabouts approved in Bicester to date has been abysmal.

Housing at NW Bicester
1st April 2021

21/01630/OUT Housing at NW Bicester

Overall, the provision for active travel is underwhelming and limited thought appears to have been given to walking and cycling. Though the plans are currently underdeveloped, Bicester Bike Users’ Group (‘Bicester BUG’) has concerns about the traffic flows and active travel provision through and to the development. Further engagement by Bicester BUG with the developers and planning authority would be appreciated to enable the plans to develop.

Symmetry Park
21st December 2020

20/03404/F Symmetry Park

1. Alterations and enlargement of existing service yard to provide additional spaces for car and van parking, new access point to van parking and dispatch area, new access to staff parking area; 2. Building and plant comprising: Vehicle Maintenance Unit (VMU); Technical Services Block (TSB); Vehicle Inspection Hub (VIH); Comms Container (CCR); Sprinkler Tanks and Pump House; Vehicle wash (with underground waste water tank) and Van Fuel Station (with canopy over); smoking and vaping shelter; compaction area (with canopy over) and cycle store; 3. Site fencing enclosure with electricity supply substation; standby generator; enclosed storage units and Pallet Stack; 4. Realignment of existing cycle and footpath between A41 and Site boundary with Wretchwick Green, including landscaping; and 5. Minor realignment of existing storm water drains and installation of storm water attenuation tanks.

Pioneer Roundabout
23rd August 2020

20/01830/F Pioneer Roundabout

Proposed Roundabout Access To Graven Hill And Wretchwick Green London Road Bicester

Emergency Active Travel Proposals
6th February 2020

Emergency Active Travel Proposals

We welcome any and all efforts to improve the provision for cycling in Bicester and this opportunity is critical in making the ‘Gear Change’ that is needed for the health and economy of the town. The area being upgraded includes several routes which will become parts of the cycle network defined in the LCWIP, the aspirations of the work should reflect that.  For example signage and junctions should anticipate the eventual complete network. The proposals are in general sensible and well-thought out, but some consideration of detail is needed to ensure that they work for all users.

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